Introducing Exchange Market
Exchange Market is a brand new funding scheme that rewards you for reducing emissions, whilst giving you control over how those reductions are achieved.
Exchange farmers can get paid £60 per tonne of CO2e reduced, and if your farm is already below the industry emissions average you can get rewarded for the good work already done.
£60 per tonne of CO2e reduced

A unique approach to funding emissions reductions
Exchange Market is funded by companies who are committed to supporting more sustainable farming practices and lowering their emissions from agricultural activities. Companies have so far contributed £950k to pay farmers for reducing their emissions.
Exchange Market operates as an insetting fund, paying farmers to reduce emissions directly within their supply chains and therefore there are no sales of carbon credits.​
Fund Contributors

The fund is managed by Soil Association Exchange.
How Exchange Market Works
Farmers can join Exchange Market by having a completed Exchange baseline and a recent Farm Carbon Toolkit assessment. We'll then work with you to create a verified emissions reduction plan. With annual payments based on verified results, the program ensures transparency and accountability at every step.
Start with a baseline
We’ll use your Farm Carbon Toolkit (FCT) as a baseline. Our advisory team will help check that it has everything you need. This will provide the CO2e tonnes for your farm from which reductions will be calculated.
Make Your Changes
Implement your plan and remember to keep a record of your evidence as you go - we’ll let you know what you need to keep.
Plan your impact
Decide which sustainable practices you’ll adopt to reduce GHG emissions, with guidance from advisors. We’ll then estimate your emissions reduction to work out how much you could get paid.
Receive Your Final Payment
At the end of the year, submit an updated carbon reduction assessment. Payments will be based on verified impact.
Get Paid
Once you sign your contract, you’ll receive 50% of your annual payment upfront to support the changes you’ll make.
Repeat Annually
Continue to earn rewards for sustained improvements beyond your original baseline.
How much could I earn?

Farmers participating in the scheme can earn up to £60 per tonne of carbon reduced annually, with 50% of payments provided upfront to help fund their transitions. Practices eligible for funding are set up front by the farmer, and rather than picking from a 'menu' of practices - farmers are free to create a plan that works for them.
What's more, farmers who are already ahead of the curve—boasting emissions below average—are eligible for maintenance payments, recognising and helping them continue their progress to date.
What you could earn
This is an example of a 500ha farm in East Anglia with an existing below average emissions baseline. They are already on a min-till system and for Exchange Market are exploring crop rotations and fertilser replacement options.
Existing emission baseline (1.8 – 2.05 tCO2e/ha)
Proposed introduction of legume fallow into rotation following Winter Wheat /Milling Wheat to assist with soil compaction.
Proposed replacement of granular Ammonium Nitrate on cereal crops with Liquid digestate (region / location specific), AN cut by ~45% of required N.

“As part of our continued partnership with Soil Association Exchange we’re excited to back Exchange Market, helping farmers make practical changes to reduce emissions and enhance sustainability. Supporting initiatives like this ensures we can continue to work hand-in-hand with farmers to deliver real environmental impact and work towards our net-zero goals.”
Joe Hulme
Senior Climate Change Manager, Co-op